El Legendario (2019): Difference between revisions

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|name= Vengador Radioactivo
|maestro= [[Universo]], [[Jesus Medina]], [[El Apache]]
|birthdate= [[Xalapa Enríquez]], [[Veracruz]]
|debut= [[October ]], [[2011]] , [[Arena Xalapa]]
|height= 1.70m
|weight= 80  KG

Revision as of 15:42, 10 July 2013

Vengador Radioactivo
[[Image:|275px|Vengador Radioactivo]]
Name Vengador Radioactivo
Real name
Name history
Maestro(s) Universo, Jesus Medina, El Apache
Birth date, location Xalapa Enríquez, Veracruz
Obituary date
Debut, location October , 2011 , Arena Xalapa
Lost mask to
Height 1.70m
Weight 80 KG
Signature moves