With assistance from Carlos Hernandez Valdes via Facebook:
Atila was born on March 21st, 1947 in Quintana Roo. He was a former soccer player with a tough personality. His name comes from a ruthless historical ruler named Atila the Hun.
He known for teaming with Bleda. The name also came from history, as Bleda was Atila the Hun's brother. The pair stopped teaming together after Bleda lost his mask to Halcon Dorado.
His mask design came from Valente Perez, the head of Lucha Libre magazine and the creator of many famous masks such as Mil Mascaras, Gallo Tapado, Sangre Fria and As Charro. After running into the creator of Fishman's mask, he changed his mask design some. A skull was added to the forehead of the mask and symbols were added that were inspired by Hunic war banners. His yellow and purple color scheme was influed by the colors that religious bishops wear.
While he fought hard, he never was able to get a spot with EMLL. However, he was noticed by Benjamin Mora of the WWA and became a star there. There, he formed a guerilla inspired tag team gimmick with César Valentino.
He had long desired to fight El Solitario in a mask vs mask match and was able to do so on November 19th, 1975. The match was said to be bloody. Near the end of the match, Soliatrio capitalized on a mistake made by Atila and was able to defeat him. Atila was revealed as Roger Galve Castilla. Galve was a name of French origin.
He continued to compete against wrestlers like Mr. Krimen and Apolkalipsis but later got out of wrestling. He moved to Baja California where he was killed in an accident in August 1985.