Distrito Federal Heavyweight Championship

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Current Champions

Violencia is the current Distrito Federal Heavyweight Champion, having won the belt on 1999.10.24 from Brazo de Oro. The belt, which was originally created to be defended on various small shows within Mexico City, has been largely inactive throughout it's history.

History of Championship

Champions Listing

# Champion(s) Defeated Date Location
initial title status unknown
1 Gran Markus Jr. ? ????.??.?? Mexico City
1 Angel Blanco Jr. 1994.06.02 Pista Arena Revolucion
2 Brazo de Oro 1995.01.31 Arena Coliseo DF
2 Brazo de Oro Gran Markus Jr. 1995.08.15 Arena Coliseo DF
3 Violencia Brazo de Oro 1998.12.25 Arena Neza
4 Brazo de Oro [2] Violencia 1999.??.?? ?
5 Violencia [2] Brazo de Oro 1999.10.24 Arena Coliseo DF
1 Gran Markus Jr. 2003.02.11 Arena Coliseo DF
title change
successful title defense
championship matches which were announced, but results were not found


Also Known As

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