Panther Claw

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Panther Claw
Panther Claw
Name Panther Claw
Real name
Name history Panther Claw
Family Eddy Cruz (father), Rey Guerrero (godfather)
Maestro(s) Eddy Cruz, Rey Guerrero
Birth date, location Cuernavaca, Morelos
Obituary date
Debut, location November 20, 2019 - San Juan Tlacotenco (Tepoztlán, Morelos)
Lost mask to
Height 161 cm
Weight 57 kg
Signature moves


Morelos based independent luchadora tecnica. Panther Claw chose her name based on her belief of having "the claws" prepared against the people who want you to fail in her goals. Wrestles at FDD (Fraternidad de Damián) and indy events.
